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Detector de Sequência Verilog

Um exemplo muito comum de um FSM é o de um detector de sequência em que se espera que o design do hardware detecte quando um padrão fixo é visto em um fluxo de bits binários que são inseridos nele.


module det_1011 ( input clk,
                  input rstn,
                  input in,
                  output out );
  parameter IDLE 	= 0,
  			S1 		= 1,
  			S10 	= 2,
  			S101 	= 3,
  			S1011 	= 4;
  reg [2:0] cur_state, next_state;
  assign out = cur_state == S1011 ? 1 : 0;
  always @ (posedge clk) begin
    if (!rstn)
      	cur_state <= IDLE;
     	cur_state <= next_state;
  always @ (cur_state or in) begin
    case (cur_state)
      IDLE : begin
        if (in) next_state = S1;
        else next_state = IDLE;
      S1: begin
        if (in) next_state = IDLE;
        else 	next_state = S10;
      S10 : begin
        if (in) next_state = S101;
        else 	next_state = IDLE;
      S101 : begin
        if (in) next_state = S1011;
        else 	next_state = IDLE;
      S1011: begin
        next_state = IDLE;


Banco de teste

module tb;
  reg 			clk, in, rstn;
  wire 			out;
  reg [1:0] l_dly;
  reg 			tb_in;
  integer 	loop = 1;
  always #10 clk = ~clk;
  det_1011 u0 ( .clk(clk), .rstn(rstn), .in(in), .out(out) );
  initial begin
  	clk <= 0;
    rstn <= 0;
    in <= 0;
    repeat (5) @ (posedge clk);
    rstn <= 1;

		// Generate a directed pattern
    @(posedge clk) in <= 1;
    @(posedge clk) in <= 0;
    @(posedge clk) in <= 1;
    @(posedge clk) in <= 1; 		// Pattern is completed
    @(posedge clk) in <= 0;
    @(posedge clk) in <= 0;
    @(posedge clk) in <= 1;
    @(posedge clk) in <= 1;
    @(posedge clk) in <= 0;
    @(posedge clk) in <= 1;
    @(posedge clk) in <= 1; 	 // Pattern completed again
    // Or random stimulus using a for loop that drives a random
    // value of input N times
    for (int i = 0 ; i < loop; i ++) begin
      l_dly = $random;
      repeat (l_dly) @ (posedge clk);
      tb_in = $random;
      in <= tb_in;
    // Wait for sometime before quitting simulation
    #100 $finish;

Registro de simulação
ncsim> run
T=10 in=0 out=0
T=30 in=0 out=0
T=50 in=0 out=0
T=70 in=0 out=0
T=90 in=0 out=0
T=110 in=1 out=0
T=130 in=0 out=0
T=150 in=1 out=0
T=170 in=1 out=0
T=190 in=0 out=1
T=210 in=0 out=0
T=230 in=1 out=0
T=250 in=1 out=0
T=270 in=0 out=0
T=290 in=1 out=0
T=310 in=1 out=0
T=330 in=1 out=1
T=350 in=1 out=0
T=370 in=1 out=0
T=390 in=1 out=0
Simulation complete via $finish(1) at time 410 NS + 0

Há um bug no projeto. Você pode encontrá-lo ?


  1. Tutorial Verilog
  2. Concatenação Verilog
  3. Detector de Sequência Verilog
  4. Detector de Padrão Verilog
  5. Atribuições Verilog
  6. Verilog Blocking &Non-Blocking
  7. Funções Verilog
  8. Tarefa Verilog
  9. Gerador de Relógio Verilog
  10. Funções matemáticas Verilog