Laminação de metais com excelência:3 fatores para o sucesso

Três elementos-chave da dobra de metal
- Um conhecimento profundo da Direção de dobra pode ajudar a proteger a resistência da chapa metálica. Quando o metal é enrolado e esticado mais fino e mais longo em uma determinada direção, ele desenvolve um “grão” natural. Este grão tem um impacto significativo na natureza e resistência do metal. Os fabricantes de chapas metálicas devem ser capazes de identificar a direção do grão produzido e neutralizar quaisquer defeitos que possam se desenvolver se o metal for formado ou laminado na direção errada. Trabalhar com o grão natural e a ductilidade natural do metal da maneira apropriada ajudará a manter sua resistência. Na verdade, a direção do grão em uma peça de metal laminado terá um impacto direto no tipo e grau do raio interno da dobra.
- Confie na matemática; as razões e proporções do Inside Bend Radius importam. Sim, ao contrário do que se acredita, entender a matemática é crucial para dobrar ou laminar chapas metálicas com sucesso. O raio de dobra interno mínimo é diretamente proporcional à espessura do metal que está sendo formado. Quanto mais espesso o material, maior o raio. Calculating the proper inside bend radius is a key step in crafting a strong product every time. Every type of metal will have its own unique capabilities and ratios assigned for bending. Then, the next step is to identify which tool is the proper tool to complete the bend appropriately without compromising its structural integrity. It takes a highly skilled, exceptionally trained fabricator to understand those unique specifications and produce optimal results every time.
- Not all metals bend the same. Always consider individual metal elasticity. Bending metal is a skill. Anticipating how the metal will bend under pressure can be challenging. One thing is certain however; metal is elastic. Yes, that’s right. Metal will tend to bend back toward its original shape when being bent. This is a fabrication problem that great formers will be able to overcome, however. By knowing exactly how much to over-bend the sheet or plate beyond the intended final radius, formers can compensate for the “spring back” of the metal, ensuring that the desired radius is reached in the end.
The repeated process of rolling and bending sheet metal to varying thicknesses and lengths can put the metal under intense pressure that could create potential problems or defects in the metal. Part of the fabrication process involves identifying these concerns and knowing how to effectively correct them, all without compromising the integrity of the plate or slab. Formers and fabricators must take many different factors into consideration:
- The size and thickness of the workpiece
- The materials being bent
- The number of bends being introduced to the part
- Finished part tolerances
- Production rates
- Proximity of multiple bends to each other
The fabricators at Swanton Welding have been expertly rolling, bending, and welding sheet metal since 1956. Whether you’re in need of Large storage tanks, custom ductwork, shells or cones, cyclones, arcs, handrails, rolled beams and angles or tapered chutes, Swanton Welding has the full capabilities to finish your project with ease. Contact us today to request a free quote and discover all of the services that we offer.
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